jeudi 9 avril 2009

Just to say good bye ...and see you soon in Honnnnnnnnnnng KKKKKKKKKKKKong!!!

c etait la derniere semaine a NY nous voulions dire au revoir a nos amis. Nous avons organise un dejeuner. Nous voulions faire un BBQ mais finalement le temps n etait pas de la partie.

Dear Friends,

This is our last week in New York prior our departure for our Hong Kong experience, and it's time for us to say good bye ! We really loved sharing our journey in New York with you . It was a great adventure. Thanks to the Internet, planes and trains the world has become very small. So we hope the future will let us write together new chapter in our lives. In order to celebrate our departure and to share a last moment together we would like to invite you to a: Lunch/BBQ this Saturday April 4, 2009 at 1:00 p.m. Best Angèle & Pierre

Merci a Francois et Melphie de nous avoir gentillement accueillis chez eux.

La nurserie Elio et Elsa dormaient.

Merci a melphie

Veronique et Marie Helene.

Alexandra et Elio.






Merci a tous de ces merveilleux moments.

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